The GpiO BOX OSC is a 6 input, fully user programmable OSC remote control system designed for use with remote buttons and triggers. The GpiO BOX OSC has 3 XLR connectors used for remote input. These inputs can be buttons, switches or any contact closure, such as the GPIO output from a mixing desk or redundant switch system. Each XLR can be used to connect up to 2 controls. The Unit can poe powered using an USB B connector delivering 5 volts on via POE.
Power on POE or USB
Up to 6 Remote inputs via 3 XLR sockets
Works with Qlab, EOS, Ableton, and anything else you can control with OSC
Local Test Button
Available with various button boxes including buttons, buzzers, and footswitches
The GpiO BOX OSC allows your Drummer, MD, Actor on stage, Game Show Contestant, or even Audience member, to fire playbacks remotely. With the ease of network connectivity there is no need to run a dedicated cable, just jump on to the network